This afternoon, I was thrilled to attend the 300th performance of The Brothers Grimm. It was a part of the Canadian Opera Companies annual school tour (for which the opera was commissioned back in 1999). I believe this was the sixth time that the COC has taken the opera out, and the show was just as fresh as the premiere. Alison Grant did a wonderful job directing this outing. It's interesting to note that her mother's maiden name was Grimm and she is related to the famous brothers.
This Grimm played up some of the darker elements and I found the witch and Rumpelstiltskin deliciously creepy...the kids felt the same way.
The performance happened at Britannia Public School in Mississauga, Ontario at 1:45, Wednesday, November 21.
Pictured above are Michael Spassov, Justin Welsh, Andrew Stewart, Lisa DiMaria, Adam Luther, Melinda Delorme and Joanna Barrota. They seem to be having a great time on the tour (22 shows left) and made me feel really welcome.